#MaskLikeAkid for just one day…


Choose a day! Try to #MaskLikeAKid (no cheating!) and post pictures, comments and videos of your experience.

Millions of American children have been masked in school for over a year now. In some areas like NYC, masking begins with toddlers age 2 and extends all the way through college. Masking mandates in many parts of the country are stricter than anywhere in the world, and require children to mask from school drop-off, through after-school — upwards of 10 hours a day, including during outdoor play and physical activity.

With universal vaccine access, we also need clear, universal off-ramps. It is long past time to restore normal school, which respects children’s basic needs to unrestricted breathing, socialization & joy.

#MaskLikeAKid for just one day to experience what kids are experiencing five days a week in school.