Take The Pledge
I pledge to #MaskLikeAKid
I will wear my mask all day, for 7 straight hours, like millions of kids do, all day, each and every day.
I will wear my mask properly, placed evenly over my nose, with no gaps on the side, to achieve a snug fit.
I will wear my mask at all times, even alone, even outside, and I will not cheat.
I will take “recess” in my mask, which is defined as 15-20 minutes of physical activity that causes a mild sweat. And I will NOT take the mask down no matter how sweaty it gets.
If I need water, I will walk to the corner of the room and pull the mask down to take a sip, making sure to pull my mask up before I swallow. Or, I may use a straw under my mask.
I am entitled to have lunch for 15 minutes outside on the ground. I will only unmask for 15 minutes, and then I will mask back again right away.
Alternatively, I may have “silent lunch” alone, for 15 minutes. No phone, no radio, no books, friends, just alone.
I will work in my mask, conduct business in my mask, and hold meetings in my mask. Kids keep their masks on the entire school day and so will I.
I will shop in my mask and prepare food in my mask. It may get hot, but I may not take it off.
During meetings & conversations, I will not pull my mask down, even if someone has difficulty understanding me. I must try harder to communicate effectively, or just move on.
If I must cough or sneeze I cannot remove my mask. I must cough and/or sneeze into my mask.
If my mask mistakenly falls down below my nose more than 5 times during the day, I will punish myself by (give yourself a consequence, e.g., take away Friday night drinks)
BONUS: Pretend you go to an afterschool activity, and do the above for another 2.5 hours!
Note - Some kids do all of this all of the day, many do some of this all of the day and some do some of this all of the day. In Europe and many parts of the world along with a few places in the U.S. a few don’t need to do any of this any of the day.